Tuesday Announcements
Applications for Summer Training is now open for cadets in level 2 and higher. Email 819air with you selections. See Summer Training post or Teams for more information. Next week, Jan 28 is CO’s parade, cadets wear full dress or... Continue reading→
Basketball Tournament
We have been invited to participate in the 13th Annual 609 Steveston Classic Basketball Tournament. Maximum of 16 squadrons. TEAMS consist of 15 cadets and one coach. All teams must have one cadet 14 OR under (junior), as well as one female on... Continue reading→
Summer Training
Cadets should email 819air@cadets.gc.ca with their course selections. See Cadets.ca for more information. Course are listed with LOCATION and Start and End dates. You can list more than one request in order of preference. ONLINE Courses Basic Coder 2025-07-14 2025-07-25... Continue reading→
Field Training Exercise Army and Air Cadets in Years 1-4 will learn wilderness survival skills, to include topics such as building shelters, starting a fire, and navigation by using a map and compass. Larger scale exercises will allow for a... Continue reading→
Effective Speaking
The aim of the Effective Speaking (ES) program is to provide an opportunity for Air Cadets to increase their self confidence; and increase their ability to reason, organize and express ideas. ES provides an opportunity for Air Cadets to find... Continue reading→
Our Drill Team practices Friday nights at Richardson Elementary from 18:30-20:30. All cadets are welcome to attend and try out for the team. Drill Team is a group of cadets that practice precision drill movements for the purpose of display... Continue reading→
Cadet’s interested in person Ground School should speak to OCdt Dyke or email 819air for more information. What is Online Ground School? The OGS is part of the Air Cadet National Selection Process and is comprised of 45 hours of self-paced learning.... Continue reading→
New cadets need to submit their measurements and a uniform will be ordered for them. Returning cadets who need replacement parts need to complete a request form with the part and new size. Cadets should make sure their uniform is clean... Continue reading→
The Cadet Marksmanship Program is a challenging and competitive sports program accessible to all cadets. It develops skills through high-level training and Olympic-style competition. The Marksmanship Program principles are achieved by firing in groupings and it is through this process... Continue reading→
Field Training Uniform
The Green FT uniform is a new uniform for air cadets. This FTU can be worn on FTXs and when directed by squadron staff. We will distribute the uniforms as they arrive, cadets are to wait until their name is... Continue reading→