April 1 – Summer Dress, Blue shirt with pants, no tunic or tie. If you are missing a nametag please email 819air@cadets.gc.ca to request one.
PHOTO NIGHT on April 8 – all cadets attend in full uniform. There will be individual and flight photos. Cadets will be given an order form to bring home. Payment by e-transfer or on April 8 to the photographer.
MESS DINNER on April 22 – $20 per cadet. This is a formal sit down dinner, cadets will have to sign up to register. Sheraton Vancouver Guildford Hotel, 15269 104 Ave, Surrey. Cadets must arrange their own transportation to and from the event. The dress is blue shirt and tunic with a black bow tie. No nametags or headdress.
FTX ADA April 25-27. Cadets are to self register on Teams.
Drill Team Competition on April 27 at Seaforth Armoury in Vancouver.
FTX NEW HOPE – May 2-4. Sign up sheet available in April or email 819air@cadets.gc.ca with your name.