Summer CTC applications are now open. Cadets who are in level 2 or above and wish to apply for courses should email with your selections in order of preference.
Drill Team practice is on Wednesdays at the NDRC from 18:30-20:30. All cadets are welcome to attend.
Ground school is on Thursdays at the NDRC, upstairs Multipurpose Rm.
Marksmanship practices are Sundays at the NDRC from 9:00 to 12:30. All cadets are welcome to attend
Volleyball – Tournament on Sat, 22 Feb from 0830-1700 hrs at Kitsilano Secondary School. Practices on Friday at Richardson school from 1830-2030. -3 practices before the tournament – Feb 7, 14 and 21.
Basketball – Tournament in Richmond on March 15. Practices start on Friday Feb 28 at Richardson school from 18:30 to 20:30. -3 practices, Feb 28, March 7 and 14.
Upcoming events after Spring Break;
PHOTO NIGHT on April 8 – all cadets attend in full uniform. There will be individual and flight photos. Cadets will be given an order form to bring home.
MESS DINNER on April 22 – exact location to be announce soon. This is a formal sit down dinner, cadets will have to sign up to register.
FTX ADA April 25-27. Cadets are to self register on Teams.